CircHive - Developing & piloting biodiversity footprinting & natural capital accounting via a 'beehive' of sectoral hubs, for sustainable transition to a circular EU bioeconomy is a new Horizon Europe project with 15 research and 10 case-study partners. It aims to help businesses and the public sector recognise, value and protect nature.


The specific objectives of the CircHive partnership are:

  • develop rigorous and standardised methods for combining two approaches to valuing nature: biodiversity footprinting and natural capital accounting;
  • work closely with businesses and cities to develop the BEEHive (Biodiversity Excellence of Enterprises), a new community open to any organisation interested in learning how to measure and manage their impact on nature. Members  will collaborate in the development and testing of CircHive’s outputs and will receive support in developing sustainable management practices;
  • organise events, publish training material, prepare policy briefs and work on the standardisation of the biodiversity footprint method.



Starting date                                                 01 December 2022
Project duration 60 months
Number of partner 26; LUKE (FI), denkstatt (BG), EFI (FI), OPPLA (NL), ECOACT (FR), IEEP (BE), SPRING (IT), UNFU (UA), RISE (SE), JH (ZA), BIOTOPE (FR), LCF (DE), DIN (DE), Valio (FI), BARILLA (IT), STORA ENSO AB (SE), Millwood (UA), AD (UA), NOVAMONT (IT), LACOSTE (FR), RBI (AT), Malaga (ES), IUCN (CH), BC (CH), UEDIN (UK),CEC (UK)


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and

innovation programme under grant agreement No 101082081