Strategic Plan



The Action Plan is the three-year planning document required of all National Technology Clusters by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), in accordance with the provisions of the Text of Decree-Law no. 91 of 20 June 2017, coordinated with Conversion Law no. 123 of 3 August 2017 containing: “Urgent provisions for economic growth in Southern Italy”.

The SPRING Three-Year Action Plan, sent to the MIUR in July 2019, was formally approved on 12 May 2021.
The results of the assessment – relating to innovative technology and development roadmaps in the area of specialisation; activities supporting the implementation of technology and development roadmaps and the creation of an industrial research community; the Action Plan for Southern Italy and activities supporting its implementation – which was sent to the Cluster in May 2021, scored highly in all the above criteria.

The document, drawn up on the basis of the Guidelines defined by MIUR, aims to describe the activities and related operational methods that the National Technology Clusters intend to implement in the medium and long term, and will be updated annually by each Cluster.

The plan is divided into three main sections:

  1. Definition and update of technology and development roadmaps for the Cluster’s specialisation area;
  2. Activities to mobilise the industrial research community and support the implementation of these technology and development roadmaps;
  3. The Southern Italy Section (which the National Technology Clusters are obliged to develop in accordance with Article 3-bis of Law no. 123 of 3 August 2017, in order to help drive the recovery of competitiveness in research and innovation of the regions in that area, also by favouring the supplementation of resources available at the European, national and regional level and taking the results of national and regional initiatives into account).

Building on dialogue with members and the main sector stakeholders, four roadmaps have been identified within the Three-Year Action Plan aimed at supporting the development of the circular bioeconomy in Italy.

  1. Research, demonstrations and experiments for the development of innovative and efficient products and processes through the development, production and use of agricultural, forestry and marine non-food biomass in the territories;
  2. Redevelopment of territories and marginal areas with a circular approach to the bioeconomy, optimising the cascading transformation of biomass, by-products, waste and effluents into products and processes that cross-integrate the different production sectors in the area;
  3. Development of a bioeconomy culture involving all stakeholders;
  4. Experimental research and development for the collection of data for standardisation and pre-normative activities in order to create the right conditions for bringing new bioproducts to market.